Choose the best answer.

Which sentence would make the best opening for a speech arguing for more nutritious school lunches?

A.) Many students dislike the current lunch menus, and I feel they should be changed.********************************
B.) Evidence from a number of expert sources suggest that schools should design more nutritious lunch menus.*****
C.) Spaghetti is my favorite school lunch, and I have read that is is nutritious.
D.) Even though fruits and vegetables are not that popular with students, they are good sources of vitamins.

Which of the following best defines a simile?

A.) an apparent contradiction
B.) a type of literal speech
C.) a comparison using like or as*******
D.) an exaggeration

Which of the following would not always require a citation in a research paper?

A.) information from website
B.) information from prior knowledge****
C.) information from personal interview
D.) information from television program.


A or B


B I think

yes C
yes B

A.) Many students dislike the current lunch menus, and I feel they should be changed.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

For the first question, the best answer is B.) Evidence from a number of expert sources suggest that schools should design more nutritious lunch menus. This sentence makes a strong argument by providing evidence from expert sources, which adds credibility to the speaker's position on the topic.

To determine the answer, you should assess each option and determine which one presents a strong and persuasive opening for a speech arguing for more nutritious school lunches.

For the second question, the best answer is C.) a comparison using like or as. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as". It is used to make a comparison more vivid or imaginative.

To determine the answer, you should understand the definition and characteristics of a simile and identify which option accurately describes it.

For the third question, the correct answer is B.) information from prior knowledge would not always require a citation in a research paper. Prior knowledge refers to information that the researcher already knows or has learned through personal experience. Since it is considered common knowledge, it does not require citation.

To determine the answer, you should understand when and why citations are needed in a research paper and identify which option does not fit the criteria.