27 - (-9) (-2) ÷ 3 * (-4) - 0 - 33 - (-39)

27 - (-9) (-2) ÷ 3 * (-4) - 0 - 33 - (-39)

27 - 18 ÷ 3 * (-4) - 0 - 33 - (-39)
27 - 6 * (-4) - 0 - 33 - (-39)
27 - (-24) - 0 - 33 - (-39)
27 + 24 - 0 - 33 + 39
51 - 0 - 33 + 39
51 - 33 + 39
18 + 39


To solve this expression, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Evaluate the expression inside the parentheses first:
27 - (-9) (-2) ÷ 3 * (-4) - 0 - 33 - (-39)

Inside the first set of parentheses, we have (-9) (-2). According to the order of operations, multiplication should be done before subtraction or addition. So, let's multiply -9 and -2:

(-9) (-2) = 18

Now, we can rewrite the expression without the first set of parentheses:
27 - 18 ÷ 3 * (-4) - 0 - 33 - (-39)

Step 2: Evaluate the remaining multiplication and division from left to right:
Divide 18 by 3:
18 ÷ 3 = 6

Now, substitute 6 in the expression:
27 - 6 * (-4) - 0 - 33 - (-39)

Multiply 6 by -4:
6 * (-4) = -24

Now, substitute -24 in the expression:
27 - (-24) - 0 - 33 - (-39)

Step 3: Evaluate the remaining subtraction and addition from left to right:
Subtract -24 from 27:
27 - (-24) = 27 + 24 = 51

Now, substitute 51 in the expression:
51 - 0 - 33 - (-39)

Subtract 33 from 51:
51 - 33 = 18

Now, substitute 18 in the expression:
18 - (-39)

To subtract a negative number, we can change the operation to addition:
18 + 39 = 57

So, the final answer is 57.