I'm trying to make a slope on graph paper, I had to make a figure with six sides and this is my vertexes. A=(4,-8) B=(9,-10) C=(15,-7) D=(13,-4)E=(7,-6) F=(4,-4)

My segment is A and B my slope is
-8-(-10)/4-9=-8+10/4-9=2/-5 What I get as my answer is -0.4 is that an appropriate answer?

Is it alright for a slope to be in the -0.4?

your slope of -2/5 or -.4 for line AB is correct

The slope of a line can be any real number, both positive and negative

If the slope is positive the line leans to the right
If the slope is negative the line leans to the left
if the slope is zero, the line is horizontal.

To calculate the slope between two points on a graph, you use the formula:

slope = (change in y-coordinates) / (change in x-coordinates)

Let's calculate the slope between points A(4,-8) and B(9,-10):

change in y-coordinates = -8 - (-10) = -8 + 10 = 2
change in x-coordinates = 4 - 9 = -5

Now, plug these values into the formula:

slope = 2 / -5

When you divide 2 by -5, you get -0.4.

So, your calculated slope is indeed -0.4.