Rachel is a highechool student who has explored several employment and education alternatives. She has chosen to attend the community college near home to become a diesel mechanic. What is the identity status of Rachel according to James Marcia?

A. Identity diffusion
B. Identity Foreclosure
C. Identity moratorium
D. Identity Acheivement

I think it's C or D.

They are quite different. Check out this article. It will help you make a choice between C and D.


Then it's D because identity moratorium is like if is is not so sure of what she wants to do and identity achievement is when she is sure about what she is going to do. She has already explored other employment and alternatives and made a decision.

So it's D


Thank You.

You're welcome.

To determine Rachel's identity status according to James Marcia, we need to understand the different identity statuses proposed by him. James Marcia's theory of identity development suggests that individuals can fall into one of the four identity statuses: identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, and identity achievement.

1. Identity diffusion: This status refers to a state in which an individual has not yet explored or made any commitments to their identity. They may have little interest or motivation in exploring different options and may seem confused or unsure about their future.

2. Identity foreclosure: This status describes individuals who have made commitments regarding their identity without exploring various alternatives. They have made choices based on the expectations of others, such as parents or authority figures, rather than personal exploration.

3. Identity moratorium: This status characterizes individuals who are actively exploring different options and possibilities for their identity but have not yet made a firm commitment. They may be undergoing a period of exploration, trying out different roles, ideas, or careers to gain a better understanding of themselves.

4. Identity achievement: This status represents individuals who have explored various possibilities and have made a firm commitment or decision about their identity. They have gone through a process of self-exploration and reflection, and their choices are guided by personal values, interests, and goals.

Based on the given information, it seems that Rachel has explored different employment and education alternatives and has made a choice to attend a community college to become a diesel mechanic. This indicates that Rachel has reached the stage of identity achievement (D), as she has explored options and made a commitment based on her personal interests and goals.

Therefore, the identity status of Rachel according to James Marcia's theory would most likely be D. Identity Achievement.