A shopkeeper had 330 tangerines. He put some of them into 15 cartons containing 12 tangerines each. He then put the rest into 14 cartons, each containing the same number of tangerines. How many tangerines were in each of the cartons of the 14 cartons and How many cartons were left?

15*12 = 180

330-180 = 150
150/14 = 10 remainder 10

Thank you, Mr. Steve!

To find the number of tangerines in each of the cartons of the 14 cartons, we need to subtract the total number of tangerines in the first 15 cartons from the total number of tangerines the shopkeeper had.

The shopkeeper put 15 cartons containing 12 tangerines each, which gives us a total of 15 * 12 = 180 tangerines.

Therefore, the remaining tangerines after filling the 15 cartons would be 330 - 180 = 150 tangerines.

Now, we need to find the number of tangerines in each of the 14 cartons. We know that each of the 14 cartons contains the same number of tangerines.

To figure this out, we divide the remaining number of tangerines (150) by the number of cartons (14).
150 divided by 14 equals 10.714.

Since we can't have a fraction of tangerines, we can round this number to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, each of the 14 cartons would have approximately 11 tangerines.

To summarize:
- Each of the 14 cartons had approximately 11 tangerines.
- There were 14 cartons left after filling the first 15 cartons.