Cat walked 300 feet and Beth walked 240 feet, what fraction more than Beth walked the distance Cat walked?


Subtract 300 - 240.

Cat walked 60 feet more than Beth.

60/240 = 6/24 = 1/4

To find the fraction more that Cat walked compared to Beth, you need to first calculate the difference in the distances they walked. Then, divide that difference by the distance Beth walked. Finally, express the result as a fraction.

Let's start by finding the difference in the distances:

Cat - Beth = 300 feet - 240 feet = 60 feet

Now, divide the difference by the distance Beth walked:

Fraction more = Difference / Beth's distance = 60 feet / 240 feet

To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, both numbers are divisible by 60:

60 feet / 240 feet = (60 ÷ 60) / (240 ÷ 60) = 1/4

Therefore, Cat walked 1/4 more than Beth.