How many milliliters of 4.25 M H2SO4(aq) are needed to react completely with 45.9 g of BaO2(s)?

To determine the volume of 4.25 M H2SO4(aq) needed to react completely with 45.9 g of BaO2(s), you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the molar mass of BaO2:
- The molar mass of BaO2 is the sum of the atomic masses of each element present in it.
- The atomic mass of Ba is 137.33 g/mol, and the atomic mass of O is 16.00 g/mol.
- Therefore, the molar mass of BaO2 = (137.33 g/mol) + 2*(16.00 g/mol) = 169.33 g/mol.

2. Calculate the number of moles of BaO2:
- Use the formula: moles = mass / molar mass.
- moles of BaO2 = 45.9 g / 169.33 g/mol.

3. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between BaO2 and H2SO4:
- BaO2 + H2SO4 -> BaSO4 + H2O.

4. Determine the stoichiometric ratio between BaO2 and H2SO4:
- From the balanced chemical equation, you can see that the ratio is 1:1.
- This means that 1 mole of BaO2 reacts with 1 mole of H2SO4.

5. Calculate the number of moles of H2SO4 needed:
- Since the stoichiometric ratio is 1:1, the number of moles of H2SO4 needed is the same as the number of moles of BaO2.

6. Convert moles of H2SO4 to volume (milliliters) of H2SO4:
- You are given the concentration of H2SO4, which is 4.25 M. This means there are 4.25 moles of H2SO4 in 1 liter (1000 mL) of solution.
- Calculate the volume of H2SO4 needed using the formula: volume (mL) = moles of H2SO4 / Molarity.
- Convert the volume to mL, using the conversion factor: 1 L = 1000 mL.

By following these steps, you can determine the volume of 4.25 M H2SO4(aq) needed to react completely with 45.9 g of BaO2(s).

Barium Peroxide? Are you certain you didn't mean BaO?