Why do you think Brant and others of the Six Nations distrusted the Americans?

The Americans wanted to steal the Nations' land.

are there any other reasons why?


To understand why Brant and others of the Six Nations distrusted the Americans, it is necessary to delve into the historical context and the circumstances that led to this distrust. Here's a brief explanation of the factors that contributed to this sentiment:

1. Broken Treaties: The Six Nations (Iroquois Confederacy) had long-standing treaties with the British, who had promised to protect their lands and sovereignty. However, after the American Revolutionary War, the British ceded these lands to the United States, disregarding the previous agreements. This breach of trust left the Six Nations feeling betrayed and uncertain about their future.

2. Loss of Land and Resources: As American settlers encroached upon indigenous territories, conflicts escalated over control of land and natural resources. This led to the forced displacement of many Native American tribes, including the Six Nations, from their ancestral lands. The Americans' disregard for indigenous land rights fueled resentment and distrust.

3. Cultural Differences: The Americans and the Six Nations had fundamentally different ways of life and societal structures. The traditional indigenous cultural practices and land-use systems were often misunderstood or considered irrelevant by the American government and settlers. The Six Nations feared that the American expansion would erode their cultural identity and undermine their ability to preserve their heritage.

4. Treaty Violations: The U.S. government frequently violated treaties with Native American tribes, often by pushing for more land concessions or failing to provide promised protection and resources. These broken promises further fueled the distrust and suspicions harbored by the Six Nations towards the Americans.

To fully comprehend the extent of this distrust, it's essential to study the history, primary sources, and perspectives of both the Six Nations and the American government during this period. By understanding the historical context and the experiences of the Six Nations, we can gain insight into why they held such skepticism towards the Americans.