why would Brant and the Mohawks, the Iroquois, and others, would choose an ally themselves with the British in the revolutionary war.

The colonists wanted their land. The Mohawk's interest lay with the British who were trying to defeat the colonists.

can you explain that a little better?

The decision of Indigenous groups like the Mohawks, the Iroquois, and others to ally with the British during the Revolutionary War was influenced by a combination of factors:

1. Treaties and Relationships: Prior to the Revolutionary War, many Indigenous nations had established diplomatic relationships and treaties with the British Crown. These agreements often promised protection, trade benefits, and land guarantees. As a result, some Indigenous nations saw themselves as allies of the British and felt obliged to support them in the conflict.

2. Threats to Indigenous Interests: The Indigenous nations in the American colonies had concerns about the encroachment of European settlers on their lands. They foresaw that American independence might undermine existing treaties and lead to the expansion of American territories at their expense. Some believed that aligning with the British, who were seen as having a stronger military presence, would provide a better safeguard for their interests.

3. Cultural Differences and Alliances: Indigenous nations had distinctive cultural, political, and economic systems, often differing from those of the American colonists. Some Indigenous nations felt that the British, being more experienced in dealing with Indigenous nations, would be more respectful of their rights and autonomy. Additionally, some Indigenous groups had historical conflicts with other Indigenous nations that supported the American cause, so siding with the British offered an opportunity to settle old rivalries.

To find more comprehensive and context-specific information, it is suggested to explore primary sources such as historical documents, treaties, letters, and firsthand accounts from the Indigenous nations involved in the Revolutionary War. It can also be useful to consult reputable historical accounts, academic research, and books that focus on the Indigenous perspective of the war.