the ordered pairs (2,-11) and (5,-20) are solutions to which of the following equations? (1.)y=3x-5 (2.)y=-3x+5 (3)y=3x+5 (4.) y=-3x-5

answer is y=-3x-5

AKA D for connexus! <33

Yep KiwiKey is correct! Hey, does anyone have the answers to the test that goes with the question? If you do submit the answers below ASAP!

Does anyone have answeres to the whole test

Oh! And uh.. please?

m = (-20-(-11))/(5-2)

m = -9/3
m = -3
y -(-11) = -3(x -2)
y + 11 = -3x + 6
y + 11 -11 = -3x + 6 -11
y = -3x - 5

Omg can someone give answers it's been years ughhhhh

Δ JKL has vertices J(10, 5), K(2, 8), and L(4, 9). It is translated right 5 units and up 4 units. What are the coordinates of J’, K’, and L’?

A. J' (15, 9), K' (12, 7), L' (9, 13)
B. J' (15, 9), K' (7, 12), L' (9, 13)
C. J' (14, 10), K' (6, 13), L' (10, 12)
D. J' (15, 5), K' (7, 8), L' (9, 9)

To translate a point right 5 units and up 4 units, add 5 to the x-coordinate and add 4 to the y-coordinate.

So, the new coordinates are:

J' = (10+5, 5+4) = (15, 9)

K' = (2+5, 8+4) = (7, 12)

L' = (4+5, 9+4) = (9, 13)

Therefore, the answer is B. J' (15, 9), K' (7, 12), L' (9, 13).

THis is helpfall