Harvey has 3 pets. On Monday she uses d cans of pet food. On Tuesday she used 6 cans and wed thurs fri she uses 4 cans each day. How many cans does she use during these 3 days.

Which number is not needed to solve this problem.

4 3 5 6

And why?

Typo during the 5 days not 3 days

The sum of all the cans for the 5 days is

d + 6 + 3*4

In the above sentence I see all four numbers used. But, I guess technically the 5 is not needed, since all we have to do is add up the numbers of cans.

So, assuming d is not 5, then the 5 is n ot needed.

To solve this problem, we need to find the total number of cans that Harvey uses during the three days.

On Monday, Harvey uses 3 cans of pet food.
On Tuesday, she uses 6 cans of pet food.
On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, she uses 4 cans each day.

To find the total number of cans, we can add up the number of cans used on each of these days:

3 (Monday) + 6 (Tuesday) + 4 (Wednesday) + 4 (Thursday) + 4 (Friday) = 21 cans

Now, let's analyze the given numbers (4, 3, 5, 6) and determine which one is not needed to solve this problem.

We can see that all the given numbers are used in the calculation to find the total number of cans Harvey uses.

- 4 is used to represent the number of cans Harvey uses on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- 3 is used to represent the number of cans Harvey uses on Monday.
- 5 is not used in this problem.

Therefore, the number that is not needed to solve this problem is 5.