A) which is the better value a 12 ounce jar of honey for $2.25 or an 18 ounce jar of honey for $3.24?

B) the supermarket displays the unit price for the 12 ounce jar in terms of cost per ounce, but displays the unit price for the 18 ounce jar in terms of cost per quart. Assuming 32 ounces in a quart, what are the unit prices, to the nearest cent, given by the supermarket?

C.) based on your work in parts a and b does the better value always have the lower displayed unit price? Explain your answer.

2.25/12 = ?

3.24/18 = ?

The answers to the two equations should lead you to answer the 3 questions.

18 ounce is vest

A) To determine the better value, we need to compare the prices per ounce for both jars of honey.

For the 12 ounce jar priced at $2.25, the cost per ounce can be calculated as:
Cost per ounce = Total price / Total ounces
Cost per ounce = $2.25 / 12
Cost per ounce ≈ $0.19

For the 18 ounce jar priced at $3.24, the cost per ounce can be calculated as:
Cost per ounce = Total price / Total ounces
Cost per ounce = $3.24 / 18
Cost per ounce ≈ $0.18

Based on the calculations, the 18 ounce jar of honey priced at $3.24 offers a better value since it has a lower cost per ounce ($0.18) compared to the 12 ounce jar ($0.19).

B) The unit prices provided by the supermarket are in different units, cost per ounce for the 12 ounce jar and cost per quart for the 18 ounce jar. To compare them, we need to convert the cost per quart to cost per ounce.

Since there are 32 ounces in a quart, the cost per ounce for the 18 ounce jar can be calculated as:
Cost per ounce = Cost per quart / Ounces per quart
Cost per ounce = $3.24 / 32
Cost per ounce ≈ $0.10

So, the supermarket's unit price for the 18 ounce jar of honey is approximately $0.10 per ounce.

C.) No, the better value doesn't always have the lower displayed unit price. In this case, the 18 ounce jar of honey priced at $3.24 has a lower displayed unit price ($0.10 per ounce) compared to the 12 ounce jar priced at $2.25 ($0.19 per ounce). Therefore, the 18 ounce jar offers a better value despite having the lower displayed unit price.

A) To determine which is the better value between a 12-ounce jar of honey for $2.25 and an 18-ounce jar of honey for $3.24, we need to compare the prices per ounce.

For the 12-ounce jar:
Price per ounce = Total price / Total ounces
Price per ounce = $2.25 / 12
Price per ounce = $0.1875

For the 18-ounce jar:
Price per ounce = Total price / Total ounces
Price per ounce = $3.24 / 18
Price per ounce = $0.18

Comparing the two price per ounce values, we can see that the 12-ounce jar has a lower price per ounce ($0.1875) compared to the 18-ounce jar ($0.18).

Therefore, the 12-ounce jar of honey for $2.25 is the better value because it has a lower price per ounce.

B) To find the unit prices displayed by the supermarket, we need to calculate the cost per ounce and cost per quart.

For the 12-ounce jar:
Cost per ounce = Total cost / Total ounces
Cost per ounce = $2.25 / 12
Cost per ounce = $0.1875

For the 18-ounce jar:
Cost per quart = Total cost / Total quarts
Cost per quart = $3.24 / (18 / 32)
Cost per quart = $3.24 / 0.5625
Cost per quart = $5.76

Therefore, the unit price displayed by the supermarket for the 12-ounce jar is $0.19 per ounce (rounded to the nearest cent), and for the 18-ounce jar, it is $5.76 per quart (rounded to the nearest cent).

C.) No, the better value does not always have the lower displayed unit price. In this case, the 12-ounce jar had a lower price per ounce ($0.1875) compared to the 18-ounce jar ($0.18), but the supermarket displayed the unit price for the 18-ounce jar in terms of cost per quart, which is $5.76 per quart. The supermarket displayed the unit price for the 12-ounce jar in terms of cost per ounce, which is $0.19 per ounce.

So, while the 12-ounce jar had a lower price per ounce, the supermarket's display made the unit price for the 18-ounce jar appear lower ($5.76 per quart) compared to the 12-ounce jar ($0.19 per ounce). Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the units and displays used in determining better value.