A car is traveling at an average speed of 54 miles per hours. How many minutes will it take the car to travel 117 miles

117/54 = _______ hours

To find out how many minutes it will take for the car to travel 117 miles, you can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Let's plug in the given values:

Distance = 117 miles
Speed = 54 miles per hour

Time = 117 miles / 54 miles per hour

To find the answer, divide the distance by the speed.

Using a calculator, we get:

Time = 2.1667 hours

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can convert the hours to minutes by multiplying by 60:

Time = 2.1667 hours * 60 minutes per hour

Time ≈ 130 minutes

Therefore, it will take approximately 130 minutes for the car to travel 117 miles at an average speed of 54 miles per hour.