A school cafeteria serves. 60,000 ounces of milk during a 3 school week period. If the same amount is served each day, how much milk does the cafeteria serve each day?

To find out how much milk the cafeteria serves each day, you need to divide the total amount of milk served during the 3-week period by the number of days in that period.

First, determine the number of days in a 3-week period. Since there are 7 days in a week, multiply 3 by 7 to get the total number of days: 3 x 7 = 21 days.

Next, divide the total amount of milk served (60,000 ounces) by the number of days in the period (21 days) to find out how much milk is served each day: 60,000 / 21 = 2,857.14 ounces.

Therefore, the cafeteria serves approximately 2,857.14 ounces of milk each day.

15 days in 3 weeks, so divide by 15