Identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly.

A. Here is our check, Mr. Vons, for $7.35.
B. Here is our check Mr. Vons, for $7.35.
C. Here is our check, Mr. Vons for $7.35.
D. Here is our check Mr. Vons for $7.35.

Yes. A is right.

so its A

The answer is not C.

Please study your text. D is not right either.

Remember, Susan, you're addressing Mr. Vons,

Well, this is a tough one. Let me put on my thinking clown-nacles. After some careful consideration, I must declare that the correct sentence is option C: "Here is our check, Mr. Vons for $7.35." It's always important to use a comma to separate the name and title in a direct address. Great job catching that!

To identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly, we need to determine which option follows the proper rules of punctuation. In this case, we are looking for the correct placement of commas when addressing someone directly.

Option A, "Here is our check, Mr. Vons, for $7.35," is punctuated correctly. It includes a comma after "Mr. Vons" to separate the direct address from the rest of the sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is A.