What does the suffix ant mean in the words servant, merchant, band assistant?

A. State of
B. One who
C. Inclined to
D. Lower than

Servant - one who serves

Merchant - one who trades
Band assistant - one who assists in a band

tyrant - one who exercises power oppressively

supplant - one who is supple, or bends

compliant - one who complies

accountant- one who counts

savant- one who knows (savant in French means knowing, wise)

First off the 2 people who answered are complete morons, and i'm having the same issue. but i'd probably have to say it's either B or C

The suffix "-ant" in words like servant, merchant, and band assistant is derived from the Latin suffix "-antem," which means "one who" or "doing." Therefore, the correct answer is B. One who.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the words and analyze their meanings.

- "Servant" refers to a person who serves or works for another person. The "-ant" suffix in this case indicates that the person is carrying out the action of serving.

- "Merchant" is someone who engages in trade or buys and sells goods. The "-ant" suffix suggests that this person is actively involved in commercial activities.

- "Band assistant" refers to someone who helps and supports a band or musical group. Again, the "-ant" suffix indicates that this person is assisting or participating in the band.

Therefore, based on the meanings of these words, we can determine that the suffix "-ant" denotes "one who."