The First Amendment right to freedom of religion was central in deciding the outcome to what trials?

What are your choices?

A.Engel v. Vitale

B.Gideon v. Wainright
C.Marbury v. Madison
D.the trial of Peter Zenger
I thought it was kind of in all of them.

Wait, is it A?

A is correct.

Thank you ma'am.

You're welcome.

The First Amendment right to freedom of religion has been central in deciding the outcome of several trials throughout history. Two notable trials where this right played a significant role are:

1. The Supreme Court case of Employment Division v. Smith (1990): This case involved the question of whether individuals have a constitutional right to use illegal drugs in religious ceremonies. In this case, two Native American employees were fired by their employer for using peyote, a hallucinogenic drug, as part of a religious ritual. The employees argued that their First Amendment right to freedom of religion protected their use of peyote. The Supreme Court ruled against them, stating that the government can enforce neutral and generally applicable laws (in this case, drug laws) even if they incidentally burden religious beliefs or practices.

2. The Supreme Court case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (2014): This case involved the question of whether for-profit corporations can be exempted from a federal law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which requires employers to provide contraceptive coverage to their employees. The owners of Hobby Lobby, a closely held corporation, argued that the ACA's contraceptive mandate violated their First Amendment right to freedom of religion, as it required them to provide coverage for contraceptives that they believed were against their religious beliefs. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, stating that closely held corporations could claim a religious exemption from the contraceptive mandate.

To find information about the trials where the First Amendment right to freedom of religion played a significant role, you can search for legal cases or landmark Supreme Court cases involving this topic. Legal databases, news articles, or official court websites are good sources to gather information about such trials.