Niles Eldredge found evidence in trilobite fossils of a pattern of evolution in which short periods of large change or mixed with longer periods of little or no change. This Pattern Is Called ___________?

I'm stumped on this question, can anyone help me?

Never Mine about this question, the answer was Punctuated Equilibrium. I actually got the question right. :D

Punctuated Equllirbrum I believe for Connexus

thanks hat helped :D

Yes, I can help you with that question! The pattern of evolution that Niles Eldredge found in trilobite fossils is called "punctuated equilibrium." This pattern suggests that species commonly undergo long periods of relative stability, or equilibrium, followed by relatively short periods of rapid change, usually associated with speciation events. This stands in contrast to the previously dominant belief of gradual, continuous change in species over time known as "phyletic gradualism."

To find the answer to this question, you can start by searching for Niles Eldredge and his contributions to evolutionary biology. You can find information on him and his research in scientific papers, articles, or reputable websites. It's essential to ensure that the sources you use are reliable and based on scientific evidence. Look for terms like "punctuated equilibrium" or keywords related to Niles Eldredge's work on trilobite fossils to find the relevant information.