Hi i have a question about air pollution that comes out of cars?!?!

where does it come from?
is it the smoke coming out the back of the car?!?!?

where !?!

When the car burns fuel (either gasoline or diesel) it combines with oxygen and under the best of conditions would produce CO2 and H2O. However, with the heat of the engine (due to the combustion that is necessary to power the car) some carbon monoxide, NOx which is NO, NO2, and any other oxides of nitrogen, some SO2 or SO3 if the fuel contains any sulfur, and some other side reactions occur. The engine is made so that those gases are exhausted from the tail pipe. The air becomes polluted due to those exhaust gases. You can read more about it here.


Air pollution from cars primarily comes from the emissions released by the combustion of fuel in car engines. While the smoke coming out of the back of a car may be visible, it is not the main source of air pollution from vehicles. In fact, modern cars are designed to minimize visible smoke by using catalytic converters and other technologies that reduce emissions.

To understand where air pollution from cars comes from, it helps to know the three main types of emissions released by vehicles:

1. Tailpipe Emissions: These are the exhaust gases that come out of the tailpipe. They include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), and particulate matter (PM). These pollutants contribute to smog formation and have negative effects on air quality and human health.

2. Evaporative Emissions: Fuel vapors can escape from the fuel tank and other parts of the vehicle's fuel system. This is known as evaporative emissions and can contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, which is harmful to both people and the environment.

3. Refueling and Fuel Production Emissions: The process of extracting, refining, and distributing gasoline and diesel fuels also contributes to air pollution. These emissions occur during fuel production, transportation, and refueling of vehicles.

To reduce air pollution from cars, regulations and technologies have been developed to control and reduce these emissions. These include the use of catalytic converters, fuel injection systems, particulate filters, and the development of cleaner fuels. Additionally, the adoption of electric vehicles and advancements in hybrid technology are helping to further reduce emissions.