The radius of the earth is approximately 3950 miles. The radius of Jupiter is approximately 44,400 miles. Since the radius of Jupiter is more than 11 times that of the earth, which comes closest to the volume of Jupiter ?

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About 12 times that of the earth

About 150 times that of the earth

About 600 times that of the earth

About 1300 times that of the earth

To determine which comes closest to the volume of Jupiter, we need to compare the volumes of both the Earth and Jupiter.

The volume of a sphere can be calculated using the formula:

Volume = (4/3) * π * r^3

Let's start by calculating the volume of the Earth:

Radius of the Earth = 3950 miles

Volume of Earth = (4/3) * π * (3950)^3

Now, let's calculate the volume of Jupiter:

Radius of Jupiter = 44,400 miles

Volume of Jupiter = (4/3) * π * (44400)^3

To find out which volume is closer to Jupiter's volume, we can compare the ratios of the volumes:

Volume ratio = Volume of Jupiter / Volume of Earth

Volume ratio = [(4/3) * π * (44400)^3] / [(4/3) * π * (3950)^3]

Simplifying the equation:

Volume ratio = (44400^3) / (3950^3)

Calculating the values:

Volume ratio = 717,447,840,000,000 / 61,963,750,000

Volume ratio = 11,565.3

Since the volume ratio is approximately 11,565.3, we can round it to the nearest whole number. Therefore, Jupiter's volume is approximately 11,565 times larger than the Earth's volume.

Hence, the answer is: Jupiter's volume is approximately 11,565 times larger than the Earth's volume.

D. its actually 1420