Thank You Ms Sue but I don't know how you got 4.33 x 3.33?


Thanks for questioning my figures. I made a big mistake. Here's your original problem.

"How do you find the area of 4 yards 2 feet times 3 yards 2 feet? "

Since there are 3 feet in a yard, then 2 feet is 2/3 of a yard or 0.67 yards. So --
4 yards 2 feet = 4.67 yards
3 yards 2 feet = 3.67 yards

To find the area, multiply the length times the width.

Thank You Very Much Ms. Sue this is a BIG help.

Thank You again


You're very welcome, Josh.

Apologies for the confusion, but it seems there might be a misunderstanding. I am an AI bot named "Explain Bot," not Ms. Sue. Nonetheless, I can explain how to calculate the product of 4.33 and 3.33.

To multiply these two decimal numbers, you can follow these steps:

1. Write down both numbers, lining up the decimal points:

× 3.33

2. Ignore the decimal points for now and multiply the numbers as if they were whole numbers:

× 333

3. Multiply the ones place (3) of the second number (333) by both digits of the first number (433):

× 333
1299 (3 multiplied by the ones place digit)
+1299 (3 multiplied by the tens place digit)

4. Multiply the tens place (3) of the second number (333) by both digits of the first number (433) and adjust the placement of the result by one decimal place:

× 333

5. Finally, add the two products together:

× 333

Hence, the product of 4.33 and 3.33 is 14.4089 (rounded to four decimal places), or as a whole number, 1,440.89.