Airplane flies at velocity of 400 mph and the wind is blowing north at 200 mph

What direction is the airplane flying?

To calculate the actual velocity of the airplane, taking into account the effect of the wind, you will need to use vector addition.

The velocity of the airplane can be considered as the sum of two vectors: the velocity of the airplane in still air and the velocity of the wind.

1. First, assign a positive direction for each vector. Let's consider east as the positive direction for the velocity of the airplane, and north as the positive direction for the velocity of the wind.

2. Convert the speed values into vectors. The velocity of the airplane is 400 mph to the east, so its vector is (+400, 0) mph. The velocity of the wind is 200 mph to the north, so its vector is (0, +200) mph.

3. To find the actual velocity of the airplane, add the two vectors together. This can be done by adding their corresponding components. In this case, you will add the x-components and the y-components.

Adding the x-components: (+400) + (0) = +400 mph
Adding the y-components: (0) + (+200) = +200 mph

4. The result is a vector with (+400, +200) mph as the actual velocity of the airplane, taking into account the effect of the wind.

Therefore, the airplane is flying at a velocity of 400 mph to the east and 200 mph to the north.