Hector has $450 and saves 20 per week. Tim has $1200and spends $30 per week.write a system equation for this situation

what situation? How much each has in savings? How much is left over after saving? How much more one has than the other at some time? when their savings are equal?

If you want some help, you need to present a question.

Hector cash = 450 + 20 t

Tim cash = 1200 - 30 t

Are you interested in how many weeks until they are equal?
If so
1200 - 30 t = 450 + 20 t

50 t = 1200-450

t = 15 weeks

To Steve: I just copy that from my child's textbook as it is. Thank you for your great advice, I'll forward it to his math teacher.

To Damon: thank you so much for your help :))))))

At Bobs diner, it costs $8.00 to purchase two hamburgers and one order of fries. The "family pack" costs 30.00 and comes with six hamburgers and six orders of fries. If the prices are constant,how much does one hamburger cost? Use system of equations to solve.

To write a system of equations for this situation, we need to define the variables and set up equations using the given information.

Let's use the following variables:
- Let H represent Hector's savings (in dollars).
- Let T represent Tim's savings (in dollars).
- Let W represent the number of weeks.

Based on the given information, we can set up the following equations:

1) Hector's savings equation: H = $450 + $20W
Hector starts with $450 and saves $20 per week.

2) Tim's savings equation: T = $1200 - $30W
Tim starts with $1200 and spends $30 per week.

These equations represent the amount of money Hector and Tim have at any given week (W).

Therefore, the system of equations for this situation is:
H = $450 + $20W
T = $1200 - $30W