A mixture contains H2 at 600 torr pressure, N2 at 200 torr pressure and O2 at 300 pressure. what is the total pressure of the gases in the system?

To find the total pressure of the gases in the system, you need to add up the individual pressures of each gas. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Add up the pressures of each gas:
H2 pressure: 600 torr
N2 pressure: 200 torr
O2 pressure: 300 torr

2. Sum the pressures:
Total pressure = H2 pressure + N2 pressure + O2 pressure

Total pressure = 600 torr + 200 torr + 300 torr

3. Calculate the sum:
Total pressure = 1,100 torr

So, the total pressure of the gases in the system is 1,100 torr.

To find the total pressure of the gases in the system, you need to add up the individual pressures of each gas.

Pressure of H2 = 600 torr
Pressure of N2 = 200 torr
Pressure of O2 = 300 torr

To find the total pressure, you add up the individual pressures:

Total Pressure = Pressure of H2 + Pressure of N2 + Pressure of O2
Total Pressure = 600 torr + 200 torr + 300 torr

Calculating the total pressure:
Total Pressure = 1100 torr

Therefore, the total pressure of the gases in the system is 1100 torr.

Dalton's Law of partial pressure says that the total pressure in a system of gases is the sum of the individual pressures. So add 'em up.