Sarah's parents are filling their swimming pool. She wants to know how long it will take. What unit is best used to give the rate of the water flowing into the pool? Her pool is 22,000 gallons. What unit will the answer to her question be answered in?

gallons per hour


time = total gallons / rate in gallons per hour

g / (g/hr) ---> hr

The best unit to give the rate of the water flowing into the pool is gallons per minute (GPM). The answer to Sarah's question will be answered in minutes (min).

To find out how long it will take to fill the swimming pool, we need to determine the rate at which water is flowing into the pool. The rate of water flow is usually measured in volume per unit time. The most suitable unit to measure the rate of water flowing into the pool is gallons per hour (gal/hr) or gallons per minute (gal/min).

To find the answer to Sarah's question, we need to know how many gallons of water are being added to the pool per unit of time. Let's assume the rate of water flow is X gallons per hour (gal/hr).

If Sarah's pool is 22,000 gallons and the rate of water flow is X gallons per hour, we can set up the following equation:

22,000 gallons ÷ X gallons/hour = time in hours

By dividing the total number of gallons in the pool by the rate of water flow, we can calculate the time it will take to fill the pool in hours. The answer to Sarah's question will be in hours since we used gallons per hour as the rate of flow.