You want to buy a used all-terrain vehicle (ATV) that costs $2800.00. You Have $1100.00 in savings and can save $200.00 more a month. Your local credit union offers loans at 6.50% per annum over a term of 12 months. You have a bank credit card with an interest rate of 20.00% per annum. You have a balance of $100.00 on your credit card.

**confusing ain't it?
1. Show many different options as you can for buying the ATV and paying off your credit card debt.
2. Show the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
3. Which option would you choose? provide calculations to support your choice.
4. Make a list of strategies/advice that you would give for using a credit effectively.

1. Different options for buying the ATV and paying off your credit card debt:

Option 1:
- Use your savings of $1100 to partly pay for the ATV, and finance the remainder with a loan from the credit union.
- Use the extra $200 saved per month to pay off your credit card debt.

Option 2:
- Use your savings of $1100 to pay off your credit card debt entirely.
- Finance the full cost of the ATV with a loan from the credit union.

Option 3:
- Use your savings of $1100 to pay off most of your credit card debt.
- Finance the remaining credit card balance (~$100) with the credit union loan.
- Use the extra $200 saved per month to pay off the credit union loan.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of each option:

Option 1:
- You can start using the ATV immediately.
- Your credit card debt will be paid off gradually.
- You will incur interest charges on both the credit card debt and the credit union loan.

Option 2:
- You will eliminate your credit card debt completely.
- The full cost of the ATV will be financed, resulting in higher overall interest charges.
- You won't have any savings left after paying off your credit card debt.

Option 3:
- You will eliminate most of your credit card debt.
- The remaining credit card balance can be consolidated into a lower-interest credit union loan.
- You can start using the ATV immediately.
- You will still incur interest charges on both the credit card debt and the credit union loan.

3. The recommended option would be Option 3, as it allows you to pay off a majority of your credit card debt, consolidate the remaining balance at a lower interest rate, and still have some savings left. To support this choice, let's compare the costs of each option:

Option 1:
- Interest on credit card debt: $100 * 20% = $20
- Interest on credit union loan: $2800 * 6.5% = $182
- Total interest paid: $20 (credit card) + $182 (loan) = $202

Option 2:
- Interest on credit union loan: $2800 * 6.5% = $182

Option 3:
- Interest on credit card debt: $100 * 20% = $20
- Interest on credit union loan: $100 (remaining balance) * 6.5% = $6.50
- Total interest paid: $20 (credit card) + $6.50 (loan) = $26.50

By choosing Option 3, you would save on interest payments compared to Option 1 and have some savings left.

4. Strategies/advice for using credit effectively:

- Pay your credit card balance in full each month to avoid interest charges.
- If you have a balance on your credit card, prioritize paying it off as quickly as possible.
- Avoid using credit cards for unnecessary purchases or beyond your means.
- Compare interest rates and terms when considering loans or credit options.
- Create a budget to ensure you can comfortably afford loan payments.
- Regularly review your credit card statements and be mindful of fees and charges.
- Keep your credit utilization ratio low by maintaining a balance lower than your credit limit.
- Develop good saving habits to avoid relying too heavily on credit.
- Build an emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses without accumulating debt.
- Seek financial advice if you're struggling with credit card debt to explore possible consolidation options or debt repayment strategies.

To explore different options for buying the ATV and paying off the credit card debt, we can consider the following scenarios:

Option 1: Pay with savings and credit card
- Use $100 from the credit card balance and pay the rest ($2,700) using your $1,100 savings.
Advantages: No additional loan or interest charges.
Disadvantages: You would still have credit card debt remaining.

Option 2: Pay with savings and partially with credit card
- Use $100 from the credit card balance and pay the remaining balance ($2,700) with a combination of savings and monthly savings ($200 per month).
Advantages: Less reliance on credit card debt.
Disadvantages: The debt might take longer to pay off, and you would still have credit card debt remaining.

Option 3: Pay with a credit union loan
- Take a loan from the credit union for the full ATV amount ($2,800) and use the $1,100 savings to pay off a portion of the loan.
Advantages: Immediate ownership of the ATV and no reliance on credit card debt.
Disadvantages: You would incur interest charges on the loan, which needs to be paid off over 12 months.

Option 4: Pay off the credit card debt and then take a credit union loan
- Pay off the entire credit card balance ($100) and then take a loan from the credit union for the ATV purchase ($2,800).
Advantages: Eliminates credit card debt first and provides immediate ownership of the ATV.
Disadvantages: You would still have a loan with the credit union, incurring interest charges.

Now, let's calculate the total costs for each option:

Option 1: No loan, paid with savings and credit card:
- Total cost: $2,700 (ATV cost) + $0 (loan interest) = $2,700

Option 2: Partial savings payment and credit card:
- Total cost: $2,700 (ATV cost) + $0 (loan interest) = $2,700

Option 3: Credit union loan:
- Loan amount: $2,800 - $1,100 (savings) = $1,700
- Interest on loan: $1,700 * 6.50% = $110.50
- Total cost: $1,700 (loan amount) + $110.50 (loan interest) = $1,810.50

Option 4: Pay off credit card debt and then take a credit union loan:
- Total cost: $2,800 (ATV cost) + $0 (loan interest) = $2,800

Based on the calculations, option 3 would be the most cost-effective, as the total cost (including interest) is the lowest at $1,810.50. However, it's essential to consider your financial situation, including cash flow and monthly budget, to determine the option that best aligns with your circumstances.

Strategies/advice for using credit effectively:
1. Create a budget: Track your income and expenditures to understand your financial capacity.
2. Limit credit card usage: Use credit cards for emergencies or planned purchases, and try to pay them off in full each month to avoid high interest charges.
3. Comparison shop: Compare interest rates, terms, and fees before taking any loan or credit card to ensure you're getting the best deal.
4. Pay bills on time: Late payments can negatively impact your credit score and incur additional fees.
5. Minimize debt: Avoid unnecessary expenses and focus on paying off outstanding debts as quickly as possible.
6. Use credit wisely: Borrow only what you can afford to repay comfortably and avoid taking multiple loans simultaneously.
7. Monitor credit score: Regularly review your credit report to identify and correct any errors or potential fraud.
8. Seek financial advice: Consult a financial advisor or credit counselor for personalized guidance on managing credit effectively.