bills' trail mix has 6 cups of walnuts and 10 cups of cranberries. using the same recipe, how many cups of walnuts go with 15 cups of cranberries

like if you understand the joke. (look at the name above then look at mine!)


6/10 = x/15

since 15 is 3/2 as big as 10, you want a number which is 3/2 as big as 6.

To find out how many cups of walnuts go with 15 cups of cranberries, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

Since the ratio of walnuts to cranberries is constant in the trail mix recipe, we can express it as follows:

6 cups of walnuts / 10 cups of cranberries = x cups of walnuts / 15 cups of cranberries

To find x, we can use cross multiplication. Cross multiplying gives us:

6 cups of walnuts * 15 cups of cranberries = 10 cups of cranberries * x cups of walnuts

90 cups of walnuts = 10 cups of cranberries * x cups of walnuts

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by the number of walnuts:

x cups of walnuts = 90 cups of walnuts / 10 cups of cranberries

x cups of walnuts = 9 cups of walnuts

Therefore, using the same recipe, 15 cups of cranberries would require 9 cups of walnuts.