1. how does oil between machine parts reduce friction ?

The oil reduces the friction between the two metal pieces.

Oil reduces friction between machine parts through a process called lubrication. When two surfaces come into contact and move against each other, the friction between them can generate heat and cause wear and tear, leading to increased energy consumption and potential damage.

Oil acts as a lubricant by forming a thin layer between the moving surfaces. This layer creates a barrier that prevents direct contact, allowing the surfaces to slide or roll over each other more smoothly. The oil's viscosity, or thickness, also helps to fill in any microscopic irregularities on the surfaces, resulting in a more uniform contact.

To get a deeper understanding of how oil reduces friction between machine parts, you can conduct an experiment using a simple setup. Here's how:

1. Gather the following materials: two flat metal surfaces (preferably with some roughness or imperfections), a container of oil (such as motor oil or lubricating oil), and a force-measuring device (e.g., a spring scale or a dynamometer).

2. Place one of the metal surfaces on a stable and level surface. Ensure it is clean and free of any dirt or previous lubrication.

3. Apply a thin layer of oil evenly to the surface of one of the metal surfaces. You can use a brush or a dropper to spread the oil. Make sure the entire surface is coated but not excessively.

4. Place the second metal surface on top of the first, creating a sandwich-like arrangement. Ensure the two surfaces make contact over a significant area.

5. Attach the force-measuring device to one of the metal surfaces and carefully pull or push the other surface horizontally, perpendicular to the force-measuring device. Record the force required to move the surfaces against each other.

6. Repeat the experiment, but this time apply no oil to the metal surfaces. Measure the force needed to move the dry surfaces against each other.

Comparing the results, you will observe that it requires less force to move the metal surfaces when lubricated with oil compared to when they are dry. This reduction in force is a tangible representation of how oil reduces friction between machine parts.

Note: When conducting experiments or working with machinery, ensure your safety and follow proper guidelines and precautions.