what does the word congruent mean? Sry my dad forgot this one!


con-gru-ent adj : having the same size and shape

It practically means if two triangles are the same shape and size, those two triangles are congruent. Even though they could be turned differently as well, they are still congruent.

You can also look up "congruent" in Google.

The first result of Wikipedia is a good information site. It has examples of shapes being congruent as well.

I hope this helps your dad understand what congruent means! :)

lol thx again!

You're welcome again Mia!:)

No problem! "Congruent" is a term used in geometry to describe two shapes or objects that have the same size and shape. In other words, if two figures are congruent, it means that they are identical in every way, including their lengths, angles, and side measures.

To understand the meaning of "congruent," you can break it down into simpler terms. The word "congruent" comes from the Latin word "congruere," which means "to agree" or "to correspond." In geometry, congruent shapes or figures "agree" with each other because they have the same measurements.

For example, if you have two triangles that have the same angles and lengths of sides, they are considered congruent triangles. Similarly, if you have two circles with the same radius, they are congruent circles.

To determine if two shapes are congruent, you need to compare their corresponding parts, such as angles and side lengths. If all the corresponding parts are equal, then the shapes are considered congruent.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the meaning of "congruent"!