1) Please provide an explanation on the saying, "Households are demanders but they are also suppliers.”

2)What factors affect an individual’s standard of living?

1) The saying, "Households are demanders but they are also suppliers," refers to the role that households play in the economy.

As demanders, households are the primary consumers of goods and services. They create demand by purchasing products and services to fulfill their needs and wants. This consumption creates a market for businesses to produce and sell their goods, driving economic growth.

On the other hand, households are also suppliers in the economy. They provide labor, skills, and entrepreneurship by offering their time and efforts to businesses in exchange for wages or profits. This supply of labor and skills fuels production and innovation, contributing to the overall economic output.

In summary, households are demanders as they consume goods and services, and they are suppliers as they provide the necessary labor and skills to support businesses and the economy.

2) An individual's standard of living is influenced by several factors:

1. Income: The level of income a person earns directly impacts their standard of living. Higher income allows individuals to afford better housing, education, healthcare, and leisure activities.

2. Education: Access to quality education equips individuals with knowledge and skills that can lead to better job opportunities and higher income. It also contributes to a person's overall well-being and ability to make informed decisions.

3. Employment: Having stable and well-paying employment is crucial for a higher standard of living. Job opportunities, job security, and wage levels play a significant role in determining an individual's living standards.

4. Healthcare: Access to affordable and quality healthcare services is vital for a good standard of living. It includes regular check-ups, preventive care, and the ability to afford necessary medical treatments.

5. Social and Cultural Factors: Family support, community resources, social connections, and cultural values can impact an individual's standard of living. These factors influence emotional well-being, safety, and access to support systems.

6. Infrastructure: Availability of essential infrastructural facilities like transportation, housing, electricity, water supply, and sanitation services can significantly impact an individual's quality of life.

7. Access to Basic Needs: Availability and affordability of basic necessities such as food, clean water, and sanitation are fundamental for a good standard of living.

It is important to note that the factors affecting an individual's standard of living can vary across different countries, regions, and personal circumstances.