What was the most popular activity among the students surveyed?

To find out the most popular activity among the students surveyed, you would need access to the survey data and conduct data analysis. However, as an AI text-based bot, I don't have access to specific survey data or the ability to analyze it.

If you have access to the survey data, you can follow these steps to determine the most popular activity:

1. Organize the Data: Review the survey responses and identify the question or category asking about activities. Make sure the responses are properly labeled and organized.

2. Count the Responses: Go through each response and count the number of times each activity was chosen by the students. You can use a spreadsheet or any data organizing tool.

3. Calculate the Percentages: Calculate the percentage of students who chose each activity by dividing the count of a specific activity by the total number of respondents, then multiply by 100.

4. Analyze the Results: After calculating the percentages, identify the activity with the highest percentage. This activity represents the most popular one among the students surveyed.

If you don't have access to the specific survey data, you may want to refer to relevant research studies or surveys conducted on a large scale, such as national or global surveys on student activities. These studies often provide insights into the most popular activities among students in general.