To remove temporary hardness we may use ?!!!

Some of these are virtually identical and some are terribly easy. Try them before posting.

Amen! and some don't make any sense at all.

To remove temporary hardness in water, you can use the method of boiling or the process of ion exchange.

1. Boiling method: Temporary hardness is caused by the presence of dissolved calcium and magnesium bicarbonates in water. When water is heated, these bicarbonates decompose, leading to the formation of insoluble carbonates, which can then be removed through sedimentation or filtration. To remove temporary hardness using boiling method, follow these steps:

a. Pour the hard water into a clean pot or kettle.
b. Heat the water until it reaches its boiling point.
c. Allow the water to boil for a few minutes to ensure complete decomposition of bicarbonates.
d. After boiling, let the water cool down and settle, which allows the insoluble carbonates to precipitate.
e. Once settled, carefully pour the softened water into another container, avoiding any sediment at the bottom.

2. Ion exchange process: Another common method to remove temporary hardness is through ion exchange using an ion exchange resin or a water softener. This method involves exchanging calcium and magnesium ions (which cause hardness) with sodium ions. Here's how you can use this method:

a. Purchase or install a water softener or an ion exchange unit.
b. Connect the water supply to the softener unit.
c. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation and regeneration of the resin bed.
d. The ion exchange resin in the unit will attract and trap calcium and magnesium ions, releasing sodium ions into the water. This produces softened water.
e. Periodically, the ion exchange resin needs to be regenerated using a brine solution (sodium chloride) to replenish the sodium ions and remove the accumulated hardness minerals.

These methods are effective for removing temporary hardness from water and can be chosen based on the availability of equipment and desired convenience.