Write a program that asks the user to enter the high temperature for each day of one week. Store the temperatures in an array. Once completed, output all temperatures that have been stored into the array.

To write a program that collects and displays the high temperatures for each day of a week, you can follow these steps:

1. Define an array to store the temperatures. Since we are collecting temperatures for each day of the week, the array should have a length of 7 to accommodate all seven days.
2. Use a loop to iterate over each day of the week and prompt the user to enter the high temperature for that day.
3. Read and store the temperature in the array at the corresponding index.
4. Once the loop has completed, use another loop to display all the temperatures stored in the array.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

# Step 1: Define an array to store temperatures
temperatures = [0] * 7

# Step 2: Collect temperatures
for i in range(7):
temperature = float(input(f"Enter the high temperature for day {i+1}: "))
temperatures[i] = temperature

# Step 3: Display collected temperatures
print("Temperatures for the week:")
for i in range(7):
print(f"Day {i+1}: {temperatures[i]}")

This program uses a list (which is Python's equivalent of an array) to store the temperatures. The loop iterates seven times to collect the temperature for each day and assigns it to the corresponding index in the list. Finally, another loop is used to display all the collected temperatures.

You can run this program and enter the high temperatures for each day when prompted. After entering all temperatures, it will display all the entered temperatures for the week.