I feel like I am over thinking this problem. Can someone please give me an explanation?

A circular table is placed in a corner of a room so that it touches both walls. A mark is made on the edge of the table, exactly 18 inches from one wall and 25 inches from the other. What is the radius of the table?

To find the radius of the circular table, we can draw a diagram to represent the situation.

Since the table touches both walls, we can draw two lines perpendicular to the walls from the points where the table touches them. This creates a right triangle with these lines and the segment of the table between them.

Let's label the point where the table touches the wall as A, the point where the table is marked as B, and the point where the table touches the other wall as C. Now we have a right triangle ABC.

The distance from one wall to the mark on the table is 18 inches (AB) and the distance from the other wall to the mark is 25 inches (BC). We need to find the radius, which will be the hypotenuse of this right triangle.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, we can solve for the radius.

The formula is:

AC^2 = AB^2 + BC^2

Substituting the given values:

AC^2 = 18^2 + 25^2


AC^2 = 324 + 625

AC^2 = 949

To find AC, we take the square root of both sides:

AC = √949

Therefore, the radius of the circular table is approximately √949 inches.

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of tangents and radii in a circle.

First, we need to understand that when a circle touches a straight line, a radius drawn from the circle's center to the point of tangency will be perpendicular to that line.

In this case, the two walls are touching the circular table at two different points, and there is a mark on the edge exactly 18 inches from one wall and 25 inches from the other.

Let's denote the radius of the table as "r". We can draw two radii to the point where the table touches each wall. Given the perpendicular nature of the radii to the walls, we can form two right triangles.

For the first wall, the radius "r" and the perpendicular distance of 18 inches form the legs of the right triangle. Similarly, for the second wall, the radius "r" and the perpendicular distance of 25 inches form another right triangle.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the lengths of the radii:

For the first right triangle:
(r^2) + (18^2) = (hypotenuse^2)

For the second right triangle:
(r^2) + (25^2) = (hypotenuse^2)

Since both hypotenuses are actually the same, we can set these two equations equal to each other:

(r^2) + (18^2) = (r^2) + (25^2)

Simplifying the equation by canceling out the common terms (r^2), we have:

(18^2) = (25^2)

Now we can solve for the radius:

18^2 = 25^2
Square root of (18^2) = Square root of (25^2)
18 = 25

But this is not correct, so let's recheck our steps.

Upon closer examination, we realize that the equation we derived:

(r^2) + (18^2) = (r^2) + (25^2)

is incorrect because we made a mistake canceling out the (r^2) terms.

Let's correct our mistake and try again:

(r^2) + (18^2) = (r^2) + (25^2)
(r^2) - (r^2) = (25^2) - (18^2)
0 = (625) - (324)
0 = 301

Since we obtained a false statement (0 = 301), it means that the equation cannot be satisfied. Hence, we made a mistake somewhere during the problem-solving process.

After reviewing the problem again, it becomes apparent that it is impossible to have a circle of radius r that touches both walls at points that are 18 inches and 25 inches away from them, respectively. The measurements given in the problem are contradictory.

Therefore, the problem is unsolvable, and there is no valid radius for the circular table given these conditions.