Show 2/4 of the set. How many counters?

Show 2/4 of a set. How many counters?

To determine how many counters are in two-fourths of a set, you need to know the total number of counters in the set.

If the set contains 'x' number of counters, then two-fourths of the set would be equal to (2/4)x.

To find the value of (2/4)x, you can simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2 in this case.

After simplifying, you get (2/4) = 1/2. Therefore, two-fourths is equivalent to one-half.

So, to find how many counters are in two-fourths of the set, you need to find half of the total number of counters in the set.

Once you have the total number of counters, you can divide it by 2 to find the number of counters in two-fourths of the set.