Julia had 150 fewer bonus points than Kelly.Bothgirls used tthe same number of bonus points. Julia was left with 1 out of 2 of her bonus pointand Kelly was left with 3 out of 4 of her bonus points.how many bonus did Kelly have at first

Kelly's original number of bonus point --- x

Julia's original number of bonus points -- x-150

let the number used by both be y each.

now Kelly has x - y
Julia has x-150 - y

for Kelly:
(x-y)/x = 3/4
4x - 4y = 3x
x - 4y = 0 or x = 4y

for Julia:
(x-150-y)/(x-150) = 1/2
2x - 300 - 2y = x- 150
x - 2y = 150

but x = 4y
4y - 2y = 150
y = 75
then x = 4(75) = 300

so originally,
Kelly had 300 and Julia had 150

so they each used up 75
leaving Kelly with 225 and Julia with 75

Does Julia have 1/2 or her original ? YES
Does Kelly have 3/4 of her original ? YES

To find out how many bonus points Kelly had at first, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume that Julia had x bonus points initially.

We know that Julia had 150 fewer bonus points than Kelly, so we can express Kelly's bonus points as x + 150.

Both Julia and Kelly used the same number of bonus points, and Julia was left with 1 out of 2 of her bonus points, which means she used half of her bonus points. So, Julia used x/2 bonus points.

Kelly was left with 3 out of 4 of her bonus points, which means she used only 1 - 3/4 = 1/4 of her bonus points. So, Kelly used (x + 150)/4 bonus points.

Since Julia and Kelly used the same number of bonus points, we can set up an equation: x/2 = (x + 150)/4.

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply:

4x = 2(x + 150)

4x = 2x + 300

Subtract 2x from both sides:

2x = 300

Divide both sides by 2:

x = 150

Therefore, Julia initially had 150 bonus points.

Kelly initially had x + 150 = 150 + 150 = 300 bonus points.

So, Kelly had 300 bonus points at first.