4 1/3 - 21/2


I'll be glad to check your answer.

1 5/6


To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 4 1/3 to an improper fraction.
To do this, multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (3) and add the numerator (1). The result is 13/3.

Step 2: Now, find the common denominator between 13/3 and 21/2. The common denominator is the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators (3 and 2), which is 6.

Step 3: Convert the fractions to have the common denominator of 6.
Multiply the numerator and denominator of 13/3 by 2 to change it to 26/6.
Multiply the numerator and denominator of 21/2 by 3 to change it to 63/6.

Now, the problem becomes:

26/6 - 63/6

Step 4: Subtract the fractions.
Since both fractions have the same denominator, you can subtract the numerators directly.

26/6 - 63/6 = (26 - 63)/6 = -37/6

So, 4 1/3 - 21/2 equals -37/6.