A number cube with numbers 1 through 6 is rolled. Find the given probability.

P(complement of 4)

A. 1/6*
B. 5/6
C. 2/6
D. 4/6



Y you lo

i'm confused

To find the probability of the complement of an event, we first need to understand what the complement means in this context. The complement of an event refers to all the outcomes that are not part of that event.

In this case, the event is rolling a 4 on the number cube. So the complement of 4 would be getting any number other than 4 (1, 2, 3, 5, or 6).

Since the number cube has 6 equally likely outcomes (numbers 1 through 6), the total number of possible outcomes is 6.

Out of these 6 possible outcomes, 5 of them are not 4 (1, 2, 3, 5, or 6).

Therefore, the probability of rolling the complement of 4 is 5 out of 6, which can be written as 5/6.

So, the correct answer is B. 5/6.

"complement of 4" is the probability of 4 NOT occurring.