How does 26.666 equal 26.2? Could you show me a model of how to do this? Thank You

With out further data, I would say they are not equal.

The equation you mentioned is not mathematically accurate. The decimal number 26.666 does not equal 26.2. The number 26.666 is closer to 26.7.

However, I can walk you through the process of rounding a decimal number to the nearest tenth, which may help clarify your question:

1. To round a decimal number to the nearest tenth, consider the digit in the hundredth's place (the first digit to the right of the decimal point).
2. If this digit is 5 or greater, you round up the digit in the tenth's place (the digit directly to the left of the hundredth's place) by adding 1 to it.
3. If the digit in the hundredth's place is less than 5, you leave the digit in the tenth's place as it is without any changes.
4. Drop all digits to the right of the tenths place (the digits after the second decimal point), as they become insignificant when rounding to the nearest tenth.

For example, let's consider the decimal number 26.666:

1. The digit in the hundredth's place is 6, which is equal to or greater than 5. So, we proceed to the next step.
2. Add 1 to the digit in the tenth's place (which is 6) since the digit in the hundredth's place is 5 or greater. 6 + 1 = 7.
3. We drop all the digits after the tenths place: 26.666 becomes 26.7.

Therefore, 26.666 rounded to the nearest tenth is 26.7, not 26.2.