11x^2 + 22x/11

Am I on the right track?

11(x^2 + 11x)/11 = x^2 + X

yes, except you had 22x, not 11x

So, the answer is x^2 + 2x

also, be sure to use parentheses to make it clear that you mean

and not
11x^2 + (22x/11)

Yes, you are on the right track. Here's how to simplify the expression further:

Starting with 11x^2 + 22x/11, you can factor out the greatest common factor in the numerator, which is 11. So you have:

11(x^2 + 2x)/11

Now, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by 11. This gives you:

(x^2 + 2x)/1

Since dividing any number by 1 doesn't change its value, you can ignore the denominator and simplify it to:

x^2 + 2x

So, your expression simplifies to x^2 + 2x.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.