Maria and Charlie can deliver 50 papers in 2 hours. How long would it take them to deliver 35 papers? formula please

50/2 = 35/x

50x = 70

x = 1.4 hours = 1 hour and 24 minutes

can i get this answer

To determine how long it would take Maria and Charlie to deliver 35 papers, we can use the concept of ratios.

First, let's find the rate at which Maria and Charlie deliver papers together. We know that they can deliver 50 papers in 2 hours.

Rate = Number of papers / Time

So their combined rate is:
Rate = 50 papers / 2 hours
Rate = 25 papers per hour

Now, we want to find out how long it would take them to deliver 35 papers. We can set up a proportion to solve for time.

Rate of delivery = Number of papers / Time

Since we know their combined rate is 25 papers per hour and we want to find the time it would take to deliver 35 papers:
25 papers / Time = 35 papers / X hours

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:
25X = 35 * Time

Now, divide both sides by 25 to isolate the variable:
X = (35 * Time) / 25

Simplifying further:
X = (7/5) * Time

So, it would take them (7/5) or 1.4 times as long to deliver 35 papers compared to delivering 50 papers.

To calculate the actual time, we need to plug in the values:
X = (7/5) * 2 hours
X = 14/5
X = 2.8 hours

Therefore, it would take Maria and Charlie 2.8 hours to deliver 35 papers.