The following senetences are inverted. Write C if the subject-verb agreement is correct. Write I if the subject-verb agreement is incorrect. Then, on the line following each sentence, write the correct form of the verb.

1. Was Lyndon Johnson the next President? -- ?

2. Are they well known in the world? -- C/ are.

Both are correct.

1. Was Lyndon Johnson the next President? -- I.

Correct form of the verb: Was Lyndon Johnson the next President?
2. Are they well known in the world? -- C.
Correct form of the verb: Are they well known in the world?

To determine the subject-verb agreement, we need to identify the subject of the sentence and make sure that the verb agrees with it in terms of person and number. Here's how to analyze the sentences:

1. "Was Lyndon Johnson the next President?" - The subject of this sentence is "Lyndon Johnson," which is singular because it refers to one person. The verb "was" agrees with the singular subject. Therefore, the subject-verb agreement is correct.
Answer: C/ was

2. "Are they well known in the world?" - The subject of this sentence is "they," which is a plural pronoun referring to more than one person. The verb "are" also agrees with the plural subject. Hence, the subject-verb agreement is correct.
Answer: C/ are