If a sandwich shop sells lunches that include one sandwich and one side dish, draw a tree diagram to represent the number of combinations that are possible if the choices are a ham or turkey sandwich and chips or cookies as the side dish.

Cannot draw diagrams here.

To create a tree diagram for this problem, you will start by listing the options for the sandwich, and then branching out to the options for the side dish for each sandwich choice.

First, let's start with the sandwich options:
- Ham sandwich
- Turkey sandwich

Next, we will consider the options for the side dish for each type of sandwich. For the ham sandwich, the options are:
- Chips
- Cookies

For the turkey sandwich, the options are:
- Chips
- Cookies

Using this information, we can create a tree diagram as follows:

/ \
Ham Turkey
/ \ / \
Chips Cookies Chips Cookies

Each branch represents a different combination of sandwich and side dish. To determine the total number of combinations, you can simply count the number of endpoints in the diagram.

In this case, there are 4 endpoints, representing the 4 possible combinations:
1. Ham sandwich with chips
2. Ham sandwich with cookies
3. Turkey sandwich with chips
4. Turkey sandwich with cookies

Therefore, there are 4 possible combinations in total.