Write a 3-paragraph Biographicl Essay. Discuss your experiences with summer: the things you enjoyed and the things you missed about school.

What I have written: "A strong sense of freedom is one of my favorite things about summer. Setting in only once the school year has come to an end, this feeling rids me of the stress and worry of assigned and incompleted schoolwork, of poor grades and disappointing my teacher. Along with my stress and worry also leaves the reason why I am often deprived of sleep during the seemingly endless school year: an early morning religious class known as Seminary. Thus, is is almost a joy to experience such freedom, to wander aimlessly with very few cares in the world, if only for a short period of time.

The temperate weather is another enjoyable aspect of summer. It is often warm enough to swim in the cool waters of a pool or a small pond or even a lake--all of which I have done during my many summer vacations. Furthermore, the mild climate makes the experience of hiking, one of my favorite seasonal activities, all the more enjoyable. For instance, while hiking trails in the winter may be beautiful with littered snow, hiking trails in the summer are the ones that exhibit nature's life at its fullest.

Nevertheless, despite my love for freedom during the summer, there are some things that I missed about school. The first would be my teacher and interacting with my school's staff. They are all so friendly; it's almost difficult to think that they might not return to work for my school once the summer ends. It is also difficult to imagine being a student of a different teacher besides the one I am of now, for I have never learned more--another reasoning of my missing school--than from my High School teacher, Mrs. Pfiefer."

A strong sense of freedom is one of my favorite things about summer. Setting in only once the school year has come to an end, this feeling rids me of the stress and worry of assigned and incomplete schoolwork, of poor grades and disappointing my teacher. Along with my stress and worry also leaves the reason why I am often deprived of sleep during the seemingly endless school year: an early morning religious class known as Seminary. Thus, it is almost a joy to experience such freedom, to wander aimlessly with very few cares in the world, if only for a short period of time.

The temperate weather is another enjoyable aspect of summer. It is often warm enough to swim in the cool waters of a pool or a small pond or even a lake - all of which I have done during my many summer vacations. Furthermore, the mild climate makes the experience of hiking, one of my favorite seasonal activities, all the more enjoyable. For instance, while hiking trails in the winter may be beautiful with littered snow, hiking trails in the summer are the ones that exhibit nature's life at its fullest.

Nevertheless, despite my love for freedom during the summer, there are some things that I missed about school. The first would be my teacher and interacting with my school's staff. They are all so friendly; it's almost difficult to think that they might not return to work for my school once the summer ends. It is also difficult to imagine being a student of a different teacher besides the one I am of now, for I have never learned more - another reason for my missing school - than from my High School teacher, Mrs. Pfiefer.

Summer is a season that brings a strong sense of freedom, relieving me from the stress and worry of school. As the school year comes to an end, the burden of unfinished assignments, poor grades, and the fear of disappointing my teacher dissipates. One particular aspect that always brings me joy is the opportunity to escape the early morning Seminary classes that eat away at my sleep during the school year. The liberation to wander aimlessly without the weight of responsibilities is a truly cherished experience, even if it is only for a short period of time.

In addition to the freedom, the temperate weather of summer adds to the enjoyment of the season. It allows me to indulge in various outdoor activities that become even more pleasant with the mild climate. Swimming in cool waters, whether it be in a pool, a small pond, or even a lake, becomes a refreshing way to stay cool. Moreover, summer is the perfect time for hiking, which is one of my favorite seasonal activities. Unlike the snowy trails of winter, summer trails burst with the vibrant colors of nature, showcasing life at its fullest.

However, amidst the joys of summer, there are things that I miss about school. First and foremost, I miss the interactions with my teacher and the friendly staff at my school. Their guidance and support have played a significant role in my educational journey. It is hard to imagine not returning to the familiar faces once the summer ends. Additionally, I find myself longing to be a student of my current teacher, Mrs. Pfiefer. Her teaching has enriched my knowledge, and I have never learned as much as I have in her class. The absence of her expertise and guidance during the summer leads to a longing for the structure and learning environment that school provides.

Overall, summer brings a sense of freedom and opportunities to indulge in outdoor activities, leaving behind the stress of school. Despite the temporary liberation, there is still a longing for the interactions and guidance that school and teachers provide. Summer offers a unique balance between relaxation and yearning for the return to the structured environment of education.