how do varieties of informative and positive messages adapt the basic pattern?

To which basic pattern are you referring?

To understand how varieties of informative and positive messages adapt the basic pattern, we first need to understand the basic pattern itself.

The basic pattern of a message typically consists of three main components:

1. Opening: This is the initial part of the message where you establish a positive tone and grab the reader's attention. It often includes a greeting or a brief introduction.

2. Body: This is the main part of the message where you provide the information or details you want to convey. It should be clear, concise, and organized, ensuring that the reader understands the message effectively.

3. Closing: This is the final part of the message, where you wrap up your thoughts and leave a positive impression on the reader. It often includes a call to action or a closing remark.

Now, when it comes to adapting this basic pattern for different varieties of informative and positive messages, the key is to tailor the message to fit the specific purpose and audience. Here are a few examples:

1. Informative email: In an informative email, you would adapt the basic pattern by starting with a friendly greeting, followed by a clear and detailed explanation of the information you want to convey. You can use bullet points or subheadings to make your message more organized and easy for the reader to follow. Finally, in the closing, you can provide any necessary instructions or ask the recipient for feedback.

2. Positive announcement: When making a positive announcement, such as promoting a team member or celebrating a success, you would adapt the basic pattern by starting with a warm and congratulatory opening. Then, in the body, provide the details of the announcement, highlighting the accomplishments and expressing a positive outlook. Finally, in the closing, encourage further engagement or express appreciation for the team's efforts.

3. Instructional brochure: While creating an instructional brochure, you would adapt the basic pattern by using headings and subheadings to organize the information clearly. The opening can briefly introduce the purpose of the brochure, and the body would provide step-by-step instructions in a logical sequence. Finally, in the closing, you can summarize or reiterate the key points and encourage the reader to take action.

By adapting the basic pattern to fit the specific variety of informative and positive messages, you can effectively convey your information while maintaining a positive and engaging tone.