grade 7 students were surveyed to determine how many hours per day they spent on various activities. The results are shown in the circle graph below. about how many hours per day altogether were spent on watching TV and homework?

We can't see the graph.

D about 5 hours


To determine how many hours per day were spent on watching TV and homework, we need to analyze the circle graph.

1. Start by visually inspecting the circle graph provided and identifying the respective sections representing watching TV and homework. Each section is usually labeled with a percentage or a fraction.

2. Note down the percentage value or fraction associated with each section for watching TV and homework separately.

3. Convert the percentages into actual values by using the total number of hours spent by grade 7 students. Let's assume the total number of hours spent per day by grade 7 students is 24 hours.

4. Multiply the percentage or fraction value obtained for watching TV by the total number of hours spent per day (24 hours).

5. Repeat the same process for the section representing homework.

6. Add the values obtained for watching TV and homework to get the total number of hours spent per day on both activities.

By following these steps, you should be able to estimate how many hours per day altogether were spent on watching TV and doing homework by the grade 7 students based on the presented circle graph and the total number of hours spent per day.