Developing a habit to write good essays and dissertations can bring lots of accolades from faculty to any student. Does that mean each of the children can be expected to do it with similar success? Itâ€â„¢s a bit too much to ask for student who are already putting in so much effort in their study life.

I have no idea what the gobbledegook letters mean, but here are some websites that may help you re teaching children and teenagers how to write good essays.

Needless to say, not every individual has the same level of success as all others.

My experience with younger students, to teach them to write is to first teach them to tell stories. Experience in developing cohesive stories, with enhaning descriptive tales, puts them into the mode of development of ideas. once this is mastered, they can now put ideas on paper, and developing ideas with some expertise.

Reading is a cofactor in developing storytellnig and writing, so develope a zest for reading, and then telling others about what they read.

Developing the skill to write good essays and dissertations is indeed valuable and can lead to recognition and success in academia. However, it is important to consider that each individual has their own strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Not every student may excel in writing or find it enjoyable.

Expecting every student to achieve similar success in writing essays and dissertations may be unrealistic. It is important to recognize and appreciate the different talents and abilities of students. Some students may excel in other areas such as science, mathematics, or art.

Rather than expecting identical success from all students, it is more beneficial to focus on helping each student develop their own unique skills and strengths. This can involve providing support, guidance, and resources to improve their writing abilities, but without excessive pressure or unrealistic expectations.

Encouraging students to put effort into their studies is important, but it is also essential to provide a well-rounded education that includes opportunities for exploring different areas of interest and engaging with diverse subjects. This can help students discover their own passions and talents, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling educational experience.