a number of children chose roald dahl multiplied by a number of children who chose C.S Lewis is 735. 14 more chose Jacquline wilson. how many chose Jacquline wilson and how many chose roald dahl

To solve this problem, let's use algebra. Let's say the number of children who chose Roald Dahl is represented by the variable "x" and the number of children who chose C.S Lewis is represented by the variable "y".

According to the given information, the product of the number of children who chose Roald Dahl (x) and the number of children who chose C.S Lewis (y) is 735:

x * y = 735 .......... (Equation 1)

It is also mentioned that 14 more children chose Jacquline Wilson than the product of Roald Dahl and C.S Lewis. So, the number of children who chose Jacquline Wilson is (x * y) + 14:

(x * y) + 14 .......... (Equation 2)

Now, we can solve the equations simultaneously to find the values of x and y:

Substituting Equation 1 into Equation 2:

x * y + 14 = 735

x * y = 735 - 14
x * y = 721

So, the problem can be solved by finding the pair of positive integers (x, y) whose product equals 721.

Now, we can find the factors of 721:

The factors of 721 are: 1, 7, 103, and 721.

We are looking for positive integers x and y, so we can consider the possible pairs accordingly:

(x, y) = (1, 721), (7, 103), (103, 7), or (721, 1).

However, we need to find the number of children who chose Roald Dahl and the number of children who chose C.S Lewis. We can determine which pair is applicable by considering the context of the problem or any additional information given.

If no additional context is provided, we cannot determine the exact values of x and y.