Can somebody help please!!!This is the first time that that I take a literature class, on English II in English and I can really use some help. I am taking English 1302, which is pretty much literature and the teacher told us to define some literacy terms, for example: protagonist, antagonist, etc, then she said to respond to one of our classmates with one of the terms that they described in the discussion board, the answer needs to have at least 100 words, I answered the way I thought it was correct and I got a zero. Can somebody, give me a example of how to post a 100 words respond to a classmate using for example the term, antagonist or any other literacy term that is use in a poem.

You seem to have a serious reading problem since you typed the name of your school rather than the name of your school subject.

If you post the 100 words you responded and earned a zero, someone may be able to help you.

Of course! I can help you with that. When responding to a classmate's discussion board post, it's important to provide a thorough and thoughtful response. Let's say you're responding to a classmate's post about the term "antagonist" in a poem. Here's an example of how you can write a 100-word response:

"Hi [classmate's name],
I found your analysis of the antagonist in the poem to be quite insightful. Your interpretation of the character's motivations and actions as opposing the protagonist adds depth to the overall meaning of the poem. The way you emphasized the antagonist's role in creating conflict and tension within the poem showcases your understanding of their impact on the narrative. Moreover, your description of the antagonist's symbolic representation in the poem sheds light on the deeper metaphorical layers at play. Your analysis not only enriches our understanding of the poem but also demonstrates your ability to critically observe and interpret literary elements. I truly enjoyed reading your thoughts on this topic, and it broadened my understanding of the poem's complexities.
Great job!"

In this response, you are acknowledging your classmate's analysis, complimenting their insights, and explaining how their interpretation enhanced your understanding of the poem. By highlighting specific aspects of their analysis and providing positive feedback, you demonstrate engagement and critical thinking in your response. Remember to offer your own unique perspective and make connections to related literary concepts when appropriate.