A serving of ice cream contains 1200 calories. One hundred forty-four calories come from fat. What percent of the total calories come from fat???

100(144/1200) = ?

Do I multiply or divide the 144 and 1200? How do I set this up in a proportion?

It is not a proportion. It is a fraction.

divide 144 by 1200
get .12
to convert a fraction to a percent, multiply by 100
100 * .12 = 12 %

An unknown radioactive element decays into non-radioactive substances. In 260 days the radioactivity of a sample decreases by 75 percent.

(a) What is the half-life of the element?
half-life: (days)
Round to two decimal places.

(b) How long will it take for a sample of 100 mg to decay to 73 mg?
time needed: (days)
Round to two decimal places.

The answer is 12% i got it by creating a proportion and cross multiplying .

To find the percentage of total calories that come from fat, we need to divide the number of calories from fat by the total number of calories and then multiply by 100.

In this case, we know that a serving of ice cream contains 1200 calories and 144 calories come from fat. So, we can calculate the percentage as follows:

Percentage of calories from fat = (Calories from fat / Total calories) * 100

In this case, Calories from fat = 144 and Total calories = 1200. Substituting these values into the formula:

Percentage of calories from fat = (144 / 1200) * 100 = 12%

Therefore, 12% of the total calories in the ice cream serving come from fat.